Wilby Primary Facebook page
Wilby Pre-School Facebook page
Come and join our Tuesday morning 'Toddler Stay and Play' sessions. Details HERE
10.12.24: We all had an AMAZING time at the pantomime. Oh yes we did! Photos HERE
6.12.24: Awesome Orphanage Fundraising!! The School council has raised £1050 for New Hope Orphanage and Primary School in Kenya. Read More HERE
- 5.12.24: Thank you FOWSA for a organising a totally brilliant Christmas Fair
24.10.24:Congratulations to FOWSA for organising such a great Beetle-drive evening!
23.10.24: Well done to everyone who took part in our Be Bright Be Seen competition poster competition:
On Friday 25th September we were delighted to welcome the founder of the New Hope Orphanage and Primary School to Wilby. The school council are pictured below with Anne and her colleagues after discussing future fund-raising ideas with them
Wonderful news that Wilby School has been awarded the School Games Mark Platinum Award after demonstrating the integration of physical activity throughout its curriculum, and the benefits this has had to pupils.
- 28.6.24: Year 6 LOVED London! Photos HERE
- 23.5.24: Congratulations to the school council for their 'Tattoo day'. £120 raised for New Hope Orphanage in Kenya
- 21.4.24: Amazing FOWSA Mini-Marathon event. Congratulations to everyone who took part
22.3.24: Kingfisher's play about the Greeks was INCREDIBLE!
Photos HERE15.3.24: Our Red Nose Crazy Hair Day raised £75 for Comic Relief. Thankyou! Photos HERE2.3.24: We had a great World Book day with author James Campbell
15.12.23:Thank you Wilby School from New Hope Orphanage and School in Kenya for raising £150 for new school desks!
14.9.23:Author Kate Rolfe visited us in school today to share her brilliant new book 'Wolf and Bear'
30.6.23: Wilby Eco-warriors and Wren Class met with SCC Recycling Services to learn more about what happens to our waste: HERE
17.6.23: Congratulations to FOWSA for an amazing summer fair - over £1600 raised for school funds.
20.4.23: Kingfisher Class had a wonderful day at the Suffolk Farm Show:
Miles make Marathons sponsored event - over £550 raised! Over the London Marathon weekend Wilby pupils took part in a sponsored walking event to raise funds for the charity Sport in Mind.
Welcome to Wilby C of E Primary School
'Staff go the extra mile to provide exciting and enriching experiences for all the pupils and set high expectations for all.'
'Leader's relentless ambition and drive ensure that all pupils learn well.'
'Leaders promote pupils personal development exceptionally well.'
'Pupils are caring and respectful of one another. Their exemplary behaviour makes the school a welcoming and happy community.'
'Leaders are tenacious in pursuing the right support for vulnerable and SEN pupils.'
Ofsted 2019
Our children are remarkable young people. We want them to have energy and enthusiasm for all that life has to offer; to live as responsible citizens and to succeed academically in our rapidly changing society. We wish to develop their unique talents and aspirations and to give them our fullest support and guidance. As a Church of England school we uphold Christian values and believe in promoting the rights of all. We want all of our children to enjoy learning and strive to be the very best that they can be in all that they do.
A combination of “dreaming big”, providing children with a broad and rich curriculum and having dedicated teachers is at the heart of why the pupils at Wilby Primary School consistently achieve such high levels in attainment and progress. As a result of the 'positive learning environment...and carefully tailored individualised programmes' which we provide, 'all make excellent progress from their starting points'. Our children 'engage and strive to do their best. Work is of a high standard and pupils demonstrate a fascination for learning and pride in their work.' (SIAMs inspection 2018)
We are a Pre-school, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Church of England Primary School which serves children from a wide catchment area. Ours is a happy school where every child matters. Our pupils benefit from the family atmosphere created within the school environment which gives them confidence in caring for and being cared for by others. We allow all pupils to excel within a community that feels like a family. Our staff are inspiring, highly dedicated and enthusiastic and our governors supportive, yet challenging. These factors, combined with the committed involvement of our parents, helps to ensure that each child achieves their maximum potential.
This website seeks to introduce you to our school, outline some of the many opportunities it offers and to demonstrate our aim to provide an outstanding education for every child. However, there can be no replacement for first hand experience and we welcome visitors. We invite you to join us to come and see learning in action.
Please contact the school office to arrange a visit.
Mrs Roisin Wiseman | Headteacher