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Knowledge organisers
A Knowledge Organiser is a go-to document for a topic/unit of work: each one identifies the key information that children need to have learned by the end of a topic. It also acts as a tool to support children in retaining and retrieving knowledge for life-long learning.
We have developed our own Knowledge Organisers to support the delivery of the curriculum, with each one clearly detailing how skills and knowledge are built upon to ensure that pupil's learning is relevant and long-lasting. Each organiser has a list of technical vocabulary with definitions. They also contain a list of key 'skills' to be developed throughout the units including researching, observing, analysing and comparing. These are matched carefully with the year groups and there is clear progression in the skills. Copies of the skills progression maps are available in the related subject areas of our website.
Science Knowledge organisers: See Science-
RE Knowledge organisers: See Religious Education:
2023-24 - Topic (geography and history) Knowledge Organisers
KS1 (Wren Class)
Autumn 1: Autumn 1: How are animals especially adapted to where they live?
Autumn 2: Who was Florence Nightingale?
Spring 1: Who were the Romans and how have they changed British history?
Spring 2: How has effective communication changed over time?
Summer 1: Why was it called The Great Fire of London?
LKS2-(Kingfisher Class)
Autumn 1: What is so unique about Africa?
Spring 1:Why was Queen Victoria’s reign so important and what was life like in her reign?
Spring 2: What did it mean to be an Ancient Greek-mini topic and class play.
Summer 1:What effect does water have on our planet?
UKS2 (Owl Class)
Autumn 1:Why do we need to be keen to be green?
Autumn 2:What is unique about Australia?
Spring 1 and 2:What is life in China like?
Summer 1and 2: What were dinosaurs?
KS1 (Wren Class)
Autumn 1:How does the type of land we have affect the farming we do?
Autumn 2:How and why have castles changed?
Spring 1: What is an explorer?
Spring 2: Who was Mary Anning?
Summer 1: What can we do to help Planet Earth?
Summer 2 :Why do we go to the seaside and has this changed over time?
LKS2-(Kingfisher Class)
Autumn 1 and 2: How did life in Britain change throughout the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages?
Spring 1 and 2: Who were the Romans and how did they change Britain?
Summer 1: What local amenities are there around us and how can we map them?
Summer 2: How do we communicate with one another and how has this changed?
UKS2 (Owl Class)
Autumn 1:What is unique about Africa?
Autumn 2: How can we keep ourselves healthy?
Spring 1: Why was Queen Victoria's reign so important and what was life like in her reign?
Spring 2: What is the legacy of the Ancient Greeks?
Summer 1 and 2: What is the journey of the water on our planet?
2021-22 - Topic (geography and history) Knowledge Organisers
KS1 (Wren Class)
Autumn 1: How are animals especially adapted to where they live?
Autumn 2:Why do we celebrate Bonfire Night?
Spring 1:How have ways of life and toys changed and why?
Spring 2:What is a city?
LKS2-(Kingfisher Class)
Autumn 1:Why do we need rainforests?
Autumn 2:How are Paris and London the same but different?
Spring 1 and 2: Why did the Saxons and Vikings invade and settle in Britain?