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- Headteacher's Welcome
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Headteacher's Welcome
At Wilby CEVC Primary School our Christian values are central to all that we do and every child and adult works closely together to ensure that no one is left behind. ogether, our staff and pupils embark on an educational journey; working in partnership to create happy children who in turn become successful learners for life.
As a community, we work hard to achieve academic excellence. We have a hugely committed and talented staff who help our children to reach the highest levels of attainment and to make levels of progress which are above the national expectations. Through the provision of an exciting, personalised and enriched curriculum we encourage our children to do their best at all times and to reach their fullest potential. Our goal for their future is to enable them to thrive in a rapidly changing world, to become valuable members of our society and to enrich the lives of others.
I am proud to be Head-teacher of Wilby School; leading such a successful team is a privilege.
Roisin Wiseman